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Liberando La Carga Emocional: Aliviando La Depresión (Ease Depression)

Liberando La Carga Emocional: Aliviando La Depresión (Ease Depression)

Esta meditación te guía para que vuelvas a experimentar sentimientos de amor, esperanza, superación y gratitud, te brinda imágenes llenas de inspiración donde en todo tu alrededor sientas apoyo y ánimo. Esta experiencia es simple pero muy poderosa y al escucharla diariamente puede llegar a despertar sentimientos de amor propio, de esperanza y de compromiso con la vida. También tienes la opción de escuchar otro audio con afirmaciones positivas, breves pero eficaces, llenas de confianza y autoestima, las cuales puedes escuchar mientras viajas.
How To Combat Depression Caused By Isolation

How To Combat Depression Caused By Isolation

Isolation is not our normal state. That fact became abundantly clear during COVID when we were relegated to socializing less frequently and using virtual means for visual communication. We found…

Depression Pocket Guide

Depression Pocket Guide

The Depression Pocket Guide gives providers and patients the information they need when treating depression with an integrative approach Download the guide to see how integrative health approaches can be incorporated with treating depression.


From the point of diagnosis, patients are thrust into an unknown and overwhelming situation. Outside of cancer, they have personal obligations that can also impact their health. Family, work, community—all of these areas are impacted by a cancer diagnosis.
Fear: Fast and Slow

Fear: Fast and Slow

Fast fear can save your life. Slow fear can destroy it. When something threatens your life, your loved ones, or something precious to you, fear can overwhelm you completely, leading…

Who pays for healing?

Who pays for healing?

Salutogenesis: The creation of health and homeostasis is the underlying process of healing that occurs constantly, every second, every day from the time we’re born until we die. When it…

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